
Founded by Prof. Dr.-Ing Arch. Hanaa Dahy, BioMat is currently located in Germany with BioMat TGU@TTI GmbH and BioMat@Stuttgart at the University of Stuttgart, and in Denmark with BioMat@Copenhagen at the University of Aalborg. BioMat explores innovative solutions for future sustainable Architecture, using materials as a design tool. This motivation is a direct reaction to the large environmental impact of the construction industry. Merging the fields of Material Research, Architectural Design, and Digital Fabrication Technologies, BioMat applies a bottom-up approach to research, leveraging material properties to design optimised systems made from renewable sources. It is BioMat’s belief that new technologies can allow for biomaterials to permeate everyday architectural scenarios.

  • Section: Architecture
  • Venue: Palazzo Mora
  • Based in: Stuttgart, Germany; Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Links: Website, Instagram, LinkedIn

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