About Us

ECC Italy is a well-established branch of the larger European Cultural Centre, a cultural organisation founded in 2002 by artist René Rietmeyer committed to further develop and enhance intellectual and cultural exchange. To achieve this, the ECC continues to expand its international network of inspired, creative, and dedicated individuals. Among our main activities are the planning and management of cultural projects and the creation of exhibitions, publications, videos, and educational programmes.

Venice was chosen as the seat of the first and largest European Cultural Centre satellite for both its historical importance and cultural significance.

Since 2011 our team of young professionals has been organising contemporary art, architecture and design exhibitions as well as symposiums, workshops, educational programmes and cultural events. Thanks to a diverse skillset, the ECC Italy team develops and carries out unique exhibitions and events, all planned to the detail from beginning to end.

Discover ECC Italy

Meet the teams

Main Organisers

Rachele De Stefano
Head of Architecture
Mail contact

Lucia Pedrana
Head of University Relations
Mail contact

Sara Danieli
Head of Art
Mail contact

Exhibition Organisers

Benedetta Bianchi
Architecture Section
Mail contact

Suzanne Van Der Borg
Architecture Section
Mail contact

Elisa Dallanoce
Architecture Section
Mail contact

Ilaria Marcatelli
Universities Section
Mail contact

Hadi El Hage
Universities Section
Mail contact

Elena Volpato
Photography & Architecture Sections
Mail contact

Lucia Trevisan
Architecture Section
Mail contact

Zuzanna Woznicka
Architecture Section
Mail contact

Communication Team

Chiara Dalla Rosa
Press & Communications
Mail contact

Chiara Clerici
Press & Communications
Mail contact

Miguel Núñez Jiménez
Graphic Design
Mail contact

Operational Team

Giovanna D’Albertis
Palazzo Bembo & Gardens Management
Mail contact

Lorenzo Basadonna Scarpa
Palazzo Bembo & Gardens Management
Mail contact

Paola Natalia Pepa
Palazzo Bembo & Gardens Management
Mail contact

Carlotta Bondesan
Palazzo Bembo & Gardens Management
Mail contact

Leonia Quarta
Palazzo Mora Management
Mail contact

Luigi Riccardini
Palazzo Mora Shipping
Mail contact

Timur Bazarov
Technical Support
Mail contact

Marco Fontichiari
Technical Support
Mail contact

Zoltán Bodó
Technical Support
Mail contact

Nicola Pavan
Production Team
Mail contact

Giovanni Dal Sasso
Production Team
Mail contact

Luca Ravagnan
Production Team
Mail contact

Matteo Buratto
Production Team
Mail contact

Laura Rizzo
Human Resources
Mail contact

Venice locations

San Marco Station Arsenale Rialto Palazzo Bembo Giardini della Marinaressa Palazzo Mora Palazzo Michiel

Palazzo Mora

Palazzo Mora is located in the district of Cannaregio. It was constructed in the 16th century and was bought by the Mora family in 1716. The noble floor shows some frescoes attributed to Tiepolo made from 1720 to 1770. The exhibitions are being held in the two main floors, the mezzanine floor, the third floor and the entrance garden. Due to the position of the palace at the crowded Strada Nuova and the dimensions of the exhibition itself, Palazzo Mora welcomes every year a large number of visitors.

Palazzo Bembo

Situated near the Rialto Bridge, Palazzo Bembo is characterised by a magnificent façade built in the Venetian Gothic style facing the Grand Canal. The palace itself was committed by the noble Bembo family in the 15th century. While the interior has been modified several times during the past centuries, the exterior still maintains its original appearance. Thanks to the collaboration between the current owner of the palace and the ECC, the palace revives its past glory and hosts, since 2011, exhibitions and events in its two noble floors.

Marinaressa Gardens

The Marinaressa Gardens were constructed in the thirties of the 20th century and are located alongside the Riva dei Sette Martiri, a monumental shore of the city. The gardens are situated in the district of Castello, close to the Piazza San Marco, and in between the main venues of La Biennale di Venezia. Every year, these gardens are transformed into an extraordinary sculpture park with pieces of art and architecture displayed in both the Gardens of Levante and Ponente since 2017. These locations had to undergo some renovation work to be open to the public.

Palazzo Michiel

Palazzo Michiel del Brusà is situated on the northern site of the Canal Grande with an entrance from Strada Nuova near the Campo Santi. Apostoli. The building has a unique gothic balcony that dates back to the 15th century. The rooms of the interior are decorated with frescoes from Jacopo Guarana. This location is used as the ECC-Italy headquarters and for conferences, workshops and events.