Discover more about striking projects by Norman Foster Foundation, Snøhetta, MIT, and others
In parallel with the sixth edition of the architecture biennial Time Space Existence, the European Cultural Centre is launching TSE2023 Interviews, a video series profiling a selection of striking projects showcased in this year’s exhibition.
The video series TSE2023 Interviews comprises a 4 minute video and nine short interviews featuring leading architects, designers and academics telling the stories behind their presentations in Time Space Existence 2023.
We hear from Hashim Sarkis, Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning at MIT and curator of the 2021 Biennale Architettura, about the future of urbanism looking at innovative ways to build better cities. Similarly, Adèle Naudé Santos, Principal Architect of Santos Prescott and Associates, and Francine Houben, Founding Partner and Creative Director of Mecanoo, talk about the current issue of social and collective housing with their projects at Palazzo Mora. On the other hand artist Pedro Friedberg challenges architects to think about the city and the built environment from a more imaginative perspective.
Migration is the problem highlighted by Sarah Williams, Associate Professor of Technology and Urban Planning at MIT, with her research exhibited at Palazzo Bembo. Tackling the same topic are the Norman Foster Foundation and Holcim with the Essential Homes Research Project, presented in the videos by Alberto Cendoya and Diego Lopez who highlight the importance of of giving a safe space and a home to everyone.
Landscape architect Michelle Delk from Snøhetta talks about their collective furnishing Counterbalance in dialogue with nature and the city of Venice, whereas Peter Clewes and Julia Di Castri from architects–Alliance look at demolition waste in the city of Toronto, showcasing at Palazzo Mora a visual reflection of its reappropriation by flora and fauna. Finally, Eckhard Gerber, founder of Gerber Architekten, highlights different attitudes and approaches in dealing with the landscape, making the building a mediator between urban structure and the natural environment, whereas Adrian Parr, Dean of the College of Design at the University of Oregon, brings transpecies design to Palazzo Bembo, challenging designers to build environments that can help the flourishing of a variety of species and not only human species.
The European Cultural Centre has teamed up once again with content agency Plane–site to bring these like minded people together and produce a video-series that hope to deepen the conversation around the themes of Time Space Existence 2023.
Watch all the videos by ECC and stay tuned for video interviews coming out on our channels every Thursday!